Friday, April 16, 2010

Tip of the Week and Patches Update

Good Morning,

I have decided to try a new thing on my blog, called "Tip of the Week". Now I can't get credit for a lot of tips I may give because they originated from an other's ingenuity. Although some of them are my brilliance. ;) My husband often says "Huh? What made you think of doing that?" He had this idea for my blog. He said something along the lines of "Other people might like to know this stuff." So Okay here goes.

"Tip of the Week"

Every spring I find that the pants my daughter has been wearing all school year are now too short or are looking a little ragged, holes in the knees or stains. The ones that are too tight around the waist go to Goodwill or the garage sale pile.

But the ones that are too short I cut into capris or shorts. Without a sewing machine I stitch in a little hem to keep them from fraying. They look cute and it cuts down on the cost of summer clothes.

If they just have holes in the knees, I might patch them with sewn on upholstery samples (awesome patches, don't come off, don't wear out). My sister Brenda showed my how to do this.

If they are also stained I may cut them to make play shorts for summer. See my daughter spends 95% of the summer dirty, muddy, grass stained and wet! With these already stained clothes I don't get upset with her.

I keep maybe five new cute summer outfits clean and tucked away for the needed occasion. But the rest are play clothes that she should get as dirty as she can!! And she does.

If you want to know more about my need for patches or how this upholstery patches idea came about read the following previous posts.


And An Incredibly Great Idea

Recycling and Reusing is great fun!


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