Friday, April 30, 2010

These are the Days

I am feeling better now. That 3 hour nap and hot shower did wonders for me. Still sick but at least feel human now. Thank you for the well wishes!

Now I really do have something to say. This weekend is FULL of activity. I mean really packed. Dinner tonight with family. Savanah Karate Tournament practice. The play, shuffling Billy to and from after parties. Tomorrow Karate tournament. Then the play all over again. Dinner with family on Sunday for my mom-in-law's b-day. Just Go Go Go.

I was feeling a little sorry for myself (especially with the cold) longing for a quiet empty weekend. Those are great....but

Then I remembered a time about 12 years ago. I was a single parent struggling financially in a brand new town with no friends. I had family that tried to keep me close but I needed to find my own way. They were busy with their own families too.

So Many if not most weekends, it was just me and my Billy. We didn't have extra money so anything that cost money was out of the question. We did have each other. We found fun things to do. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything in the world. But oh how I longed for a complete family. I would often notice families. Mom, Dad, siblings wherever we went. Riding in cars with places to go, people to see. I was very lonely with nowhere to go.

I longed for a partner to share my child's accomplishments and help me carry this burden. God was there for me as I trudged this road seemingly alone. But I longed for a human's care.

I realized today that what I was longing for I now have. I love my husband with all my heart and we face all of life's hardships together. And although this is a busy life I am so completely grateful to have this family of mine. I cherish these times. The kids will be grown someday and then I can have lazy weekends again.

Then without a doubt I will long for these days again.

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