Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ack, Ewe, blah My words to describe laundry! It can be a full time job.

So here is how I TRY to do it.

There are three baskets in my upstairs hall linen closet by the bedrooms. One for light colors, one for medium colors, one for dark colors.

A couple of dilemmas here.
  • Where do the dirty towels and sheets go. There is not room for another basket.
  • Getting my family in the habit of putting their dirty clothes in these baskets. I have begged, pleaded and threatened. It works for awhile but then the clothes end up on the floor again.

I have one laundry basket in my laundry room near our main living area. This is supposed to catch the socks taken off watching TV, wet clothes from snow playing, towels from the kitchen, etc.

Dilemmas here

  • Most discarded clothes again end up on the floor.
  • While doing laundry I have to rifle through this basket to find the color groups I am washing at that moment.

Almost everyday on my way downstairs in the morning, accept Sunday, I grab the basket with the most stuff in it and wash that load. I have gotten pretty good at following through with that one load from beginning to end... folded and put away. I actually like folding clean clothes. They smell so good, fresh. It feels good to put them away knowing I am doing something nice for my family. Once they are put away and you have an empty basket.... Whew.... relish that moment of accomplishment.

Dilemmas here

  • We have much more dark colors (a teenage son who likes black, a mom who feels dark colors are slimming). So everyone is out of white socks because often I am washing the darks.
  • How often should sheets get changed and dirty ones washed? How does that fit in?

Okay so tell me your laundry tips and ideas. How do you do it? Sorry I gotta go get clothes out of the dryer. (I'm not kidding)


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