Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pamaism Day

Okay I visited my dear Pama yesterday. She had a doctor appointment that went great. She is quite healthy and happy.

I have a few Pamaism. What is a Pamaism? See this post for an explanation.

It is hard to choose which one to write about. So I guess I'll start with this.

My sister Vivian went to see Pama the other day. They sat by the bird aviary that is filled with finches. So Pama says, "Isn't it amazing how easy it is to love almost anything?"

So looking at this quote you think, what a sweet, loving, kind lady! And she certainly is, however she has a sassy side.

Yesterday while visiting Pama, I told her how in Billy's play he had to have a sword fight with his ex-girlfriend. She chuckled and said, "I bet that was tempting for him." I told her the sword was made of wood. She said, "Oh too bad"

The lesson in this story is don't cross my 92 year old grandma. Cause I bet my grandma could beat up your grandma!

She may be sweet but she is feisty too.

I love both of those qualities,
"Sweet and Sassy"

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