Saturday, May 22, 2010

101st Day

So today marks the 101st day since I started blogging again. I started February 10th, 2010. It's hard to believe that. I am proud to say that I have kept my own personal goal in that I have posted most days. I have posted 112 times in the last 101 days. And I still have lots of ideas of things I want to say. Not sure anyone wants to hear what I have to say...but...this has really been therapeutic for me. I love to write and this has been my journal of sorts. I get to be creative in my very structured life.

When I started we were still in the thick and nasty of winter here in Siberia! Now it's lovely. I am sitting here today with the windows open enjoying the humid air of the morning and the birds chirping. Waiting for a spring thunderstorm getting ready to roll on through. My family is laughing because I love weather. I should have been a meteorologist. I love watching radar, trying to predict where the storm will go or how much precipitation there will be. Will it turn severe? I'm pretty good at it too. I guess I missed my calling.

Well my honey is home. it's great. This morning the whole family piled in my bed...excluding Billy (guess he thinks he is too old for that).....including the dog. And we all cuddled and talked and laughed and enjoyed each other. Love those mornings. I will sure miss this someday when the kids are grown!

It's a beautiful day and I am going to thoroughly enjoy my family today!

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