Well not any more. I miss him. I want him back. now. :( Just a few more hours!
This is his favorite tree. From our deck you can see this tree in the distance on a big hill (probably the highest elevation in our flat little town). It turns real pretty red in the fall. See how it stands above all the others. Very proud and beautiful, confident but not boastful, like "Here I am". It reminds me of Lion King and the tree of life. I love that he pointed this majestic tree out to me. I miss him.
Often when we go to sit on the deck Jeff will mention that it is his favorite tree. He knows I already know this but he feels the need to tell me again. I always smile. I love that predictability that comes from 10 years together. We still discover new stuff about each other but it is the stuff you can count on, the tried and true stuff that I cherish.
If I haven't said so already....I miss him. I love him too.
Honey, Nothing is the same without you not even your favorite tree.
I love you and I miss you!
Come home to me
Oops. I forgot to answer the Trivia question! I like the word "alas". Reminds me of the first Harry Potter. Hey trivia: Do you know the scene and who says "alas"? Answer Dumbledore says it in the scene at the end when Harry is in the hospital.
And a correction, the other day I posted a quote of Savanah's it went like this "Savanah was trying to show Jeff how to play this made up game called Ninja. She said, "Daddy, Billy and I are going to do a sampling to show you how to play."
And should have gone like this. "Savanah was trying to show Jeff how to play this made up game called Ninja. She said, "Daddy, Billy and I are going to do an exampling to show you how to play."
It wasn't "sampling" , it was "exampling". Sure makes it more cute and funny doesn't it? As my dear friend Amy's Dad used to say "a-duh". I sure miss him.
Such a sweet story of your hubby & your special tree. :) Aww, love the shout out to my dear 'ol dad! Reading that made me chuckle. He was something, huh? Can't believe it has been over 18 yrs. Have a great weekend Joyce!
Amy, Your dad was the best. He had a special shine about him. His humor could always make me laugh. Quite an accomplishment for an adult parent to make a "cool snotty" teenager laugh. He had a way of relating to people that made him special. I aspire to relate to my teenager the way he related to us. I do miss him.
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