Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mr.Okasaki... Thank You

My Dear Mr. Okasaki wrote this in my yearbook of my junior year.

"Joyce- There are so many things one can say about conservatives: a) They're usually old b)narrow minded and c) intolerant. But there is only one good thing one can say - IT IS CURABLE! Besides you don't fool me - You are a closet liberal aren't you? It has been fun and interesting having those political discussions in our science class. Hope you learned something from it - maybe even a little science. The very best to you always. Your friend, Mr. O"

When I knew you I was still a product of my parent's beliefs and political denomination. I suppose we all start out that way.

Mr. Okasaki, I learned science from you and oh so much more. Most importantly you showed me how to find my confidence. You showed me I could voice my opinion without retribution. I grew up in a less than stellar home. You were not allowed to disagree. My father was ALWAYS right. There was no point to discussion, you couldn't win and your opinion would never be respected.

You taught me how to respectfully disagree with an elder. (sorry to call you an elder!) Our discussions mean more to me than you will probably ever know. Although you and I often disagreed and probably would still today, I always had the highest respect for you. You were the first adult in my life who listened to my argument, disagreed and respected me.

Perhaps this lesson was important for you to teach as you were born in an American Concentration camp for Japanese-Americans in World War II. A time when Japanese-Americans weren't allowed a voice or freedom.

Through our discussions I think the entire class learned this lesson too. As teenagers they might not have known they were learning this lesson but we sure made an impression on them because here are some of the other entries from that yearbook.

"It's been great having you in my science class and listening to your arguments with the teacher."

"It's been great having you in Mr. O's science class and seeing you always argue with him."

"I have learned so much from you being in science class together."

"Multi-science has been fun this year! You and Mr. O arguing."

"I've had a lot of fun this semester in science."

"It was fun knowing you in science."

"I'm happy that we met this year. It was exciting hearing you and Mr. O arguing."

"Joyce, So glad I got to know you and that you didn't let Mr. O's opinions sway you. Hope to see you next year." Mrs. Love

Like I said we for sure made an impression on those young minds.

However the questions still stands... Am I a liberal or a or republican? I don't know! I am neither and I am both. In the middle I suppose. Right where I am supposed to be.

Just wanted to give a huge thank you to the best teacher I have ever had. I am not sure what I remember that you taught me about science. But I have become successful in life because of you for teaching me to respectfully stand up for myself.

Thank you


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