We recently got some scary medical news about someone very dear to me. Diagnosed with the confirmed "C" word with surgery scheduled for this Tuesday. How quickly things can change in life. It's weighing heavily on my heart. I am afraid for this person I love. I feel guilty because I have not always shown my appreciation for this person. She is like a parent to me. In fact she is a parent to me.
My walk today wasn't so much about exercise, losing weight or being physically healthy. It was entirely about mental health. I needed to clear my mind to find peace and strength. I had no idea how to do this. I asked God. Without knowing how or why..... I went into Hyper-sensory mode. Suddenly I noticed everything around me. I soaked it all in through every sense that I have.
This tree makes the most wonderful noise when the wind rustles the leaves. It sounds like falling rain.

The smell in the park of the freshly cut grass.

The sweet smelling lilac breeze rushing through my hair.
The bluest sky you ever saw.
The geese and goslings crossing the path in front of me.

The farm at the end of the road. Hearing the horses whinny and watching them swish their tail.

Looking at a tree up ahead, then noticing the feel of it's shade when you get underneath it. Looking up into the tree. Feeling it's life.
This may look just like a mud puddle to you and I. A tire track rut ruining the perfect grass. An imperfection created by man. But to the birds around here it was the greatest bath. I just watched them.

Crossing the creek that runs behind my house which contains and gives so much life.

My road to home. The beauty of "the end of the road".

My home approaches with a new outlook from when I left here 45 minutes ago.

A new understanding, a new perspective was God's gift to me today. So often all of this wonder goes unnoticed by me and others. Today the power and beauty of nature gave me strength, peace and even joy.
Thank you God,
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