Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 58 Freakin Winter 3-4-2011

The key to happiness. A question that has been asked in every language throughout the ages. A question pondered by great philosophers, theologians, prophets, brain surgeons and yes.....rocket scientist. Even the common folk such as myself have pondered this wish when we have time.

The greatest minds of the earth present and past have looked to the heavens, thrown money into a well and wished upon the falling stars for this very thing....Happiness.

Many a birthday candle I have blown out wishing for "Health and Happiness".

Thousands of authors have written tens of thousands of books on this very subject. Happiness, How to find it? How to keep it? How to make it? How to feel it?

Out of all the answers to this question I have recently found but ONE answer to the question that rings true in my heart (well besides that provided by faith in God)..................

ONE Key and Truth to happiness. Can you believe it? After all these years in my tireless search and wanting. I have found it! And I am going to share with you this secret to happiness. Are you ready?

The key to happiness is looking down upon thy feet and seeing this.

Who freakin knew?

In all seriousness...I know this sounds strange, but weird unusual fun socks make me happy.


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