But this is ridiculous.
I am tackling one of those inside projects I spoke of the other day while winter still has her hold on me. I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I am painting Savanah's room. Now my daughter professes, "I am not a girly girl." Which to be honest is fine by me. I want her to be her own person. So there will be no pink (she can't stand pink) or purple (she tolerates purple) in her room.
I am a little irked with myself! Every time I start a massive project like this I mean to take before pictures. I always forget. So well anyways, here is just after the start. I will post after pictures too.
Savanah is the epitome of life to me. Always moving, loving nature, inquisitive, caring about living creatures. She will be a tree hugger. Which again is fine by me. I have no doubt she will work with animals. She sucks up as much knowledge about animals as she can possibly hold. She can tell you things you would hardly believe she knows. She knew more about "lemmings" when she was three years old than I know now.
Anyways, my thirst for color and Savanah's insatiable zest for life gave me the idea for these colors. Along with her comforter. I tested them out on her wall asking her opinion. Which one she liked best. She loved both colors. She wanted them striped. The entire room striped.
Oh Lordy! I have never striped a wall. I am a good painter but I have never really been put to the test like this. I am unsure of my skills.
I have compromised with Savanah. One wall can be striped the rest will be one of the colors. I have come up with a plan.
But as I began painting today I am questioning our choice. Dang this is bright!!! I have to squint as I paint. Oh well, can't stop now.
Oh Well I have to go paint!
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