Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 54 Freakin Winter 2-28-2011

Ahhhh the last day of February. That is a sigh of relief you hear.

On to March. In like a lion out like a lamb? Or will it be In like a lamb out like a lion?

I have been worrying a lot lately! I hate it! Worry is the root of all evil for me. So I am making a worry journal today.

Instead of making mental notes. I am making written notes. Each piece of paper gets two worries. One at the top of the page and one about half way down.

I then look at each worry separately asking questions and writing down the answers.
Is there anything I can do about this?
What needs to be done? the steps?
Dates to complete steps.

Then I use this piece of paper to make notes. Say one of the steps is to "call Mary to confirm cancellation." I call and leave a message for Mary. I will put that note there, "Called Mary Left message on 2-25-2011. Follow up on 2-27-2011 if haven't heard back."

So often I go through life thinking about what needs to be done. But this really frees up my mind, so I can enjoy moments with my family or just enjoy quiet time with a quiet brain. No nagging question or looming doom! Because I know I am doing what I can and controlling the situation as best I know how. I am not procrastinating. Everything has been captured and is "in process".

Okay I gotta get to work. Give this a try if you find yourself obsessing over what you should or need to do.


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