Thursday, October 14, 2010

Office Day / Flu Shot Day / Random Day

This post is just a collection of junk floating around in my head. You've been warned!

Today is Office Day. I am rededicating myself to this procedure. It really does help keep the paper clutter out of my office and my house. But Holy Crap I have been going at it for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Sheeez. (I like the word Sheeez, almost as much as pppffff) Still not done.

Usually this takes me 30 minutes. Every Thursday to go through the weeks mail. Pay bills and recycle old magazines and such. Do some filing. Well not today. See I told you I am behind in EVERYTHING!

At least no bills were paid late. One, however, was paid ON the due date. Whew, that was close! I hate that.

Soon I will have to go pick up the kiddos for their flu shots. I hate seeing my kids get shots. Once when Billy was younger, they drew blood with a pin prick. He passed out! I gotta tell you though I would rather they take a vial of blood from my arm that prick my finger. Every once in a while with that pin prick they hit some weird nerve and OMG it hurts soooo bad.

Well Back to the grind.

Hopefully tomorrow's post will have a little more substance! Sheez again. Oops I meant pppfff.

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