Not for the food although it is okay. But I love it for the family time.
There is something quite magical about this place for my family. It's like the moment you walk in the door you relax and ALL manners fly out the window! Maybe it's the mauve vinyl chairs, the fake wood linoleum tables, the MSG in the food damages our brain, the dirty bathroom that I refuse to go in or the dirty fish tank with huge goldfish for ambiance. But we have laughed s0o hard in this restaurant that I worried they would ask us to leave.
It's not just a one time fluke either. Every time we go to there we lose propriety and just truly enjoy each other. I am sure when they see us walking up they just want to lock the door.
One time while there my entire family including myself had a contest to see who could suck up a chow mien noodle through a straw first! Disgusting but irresistibly funny!
Saturday on our adventure at Yummy Buffet two very funny things happened.
I got to see my son's face turn a shade of bright red violet that I have only seen on probably a handful of occasions. Billy is taking Chinese at school for his world language. He really likes it and he seems to be doing well. Yummy Buffet is completely staffed by authentic Chinese people. In fact they know very limited English.
My family starts pushing Billy to say something to the waitress in Chinese. So finally Billy decides to try out a word. When the waitress brings him his third refill of root beer he says, "Sie sie" pronounced "Shay Shay". It means thank you.
The waitress had already turned around to walk away. She turns back around with a huge grin. Excited and startled that someone knows Chinese and starts talking to him in Chinese. Billy smiles as the crimson first appears on his neck and quickly spreads all over his entire face like wild fire. Now beads of sweat are forming on his upper lip. He has no idea what she is saying. He just smiles at her. She nods and walks away. When she is out of ear shot we all start crying with tears of laughter!
The great thing about Billy is he rarely gets embarrassed. So it is fun to see him that way. You really can't embarrass him. The even greater thing about Billy is that he is socially fearless. I have often said this about him and he proved it ; when she came back he said it again!!!
Later during our meal we explored the possibility of slurping up jello squares with a straw.
I would like to go back there today and the next day and the next day!
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