Those of you who know me on facebook have heard a snippet of this story. But here are the details.
On Wednesday evening at about 7:45pm. I went for a walk. I was making my way home at about 8:15 pm. I was just about to cross the creek pictured here. My home is just on the other side of this creek. I was talking on my cell phone to my sister at this time.

Suddenly from the corner of my eye I saw movement. At first glance I thought it was Harry the neighbor's chocolate lab. But no it's too big and too dark to be Harry. A huge black Great Dane? No too big and huh? it's not moving like a dog? What is this? Now you must understand these thoughts are flying through my head at lightening speed.
This creature ran through my back yard, through the neighbors backyard, up their hill and is now on the sidewalk. The same sidewalk I am standing on. At this point the recognition sets in. IT IS A FREAKIN BEAR!
Now there is 50 feet between me and a big black bear. My body and heart froze. My mouth was working cause I vaguely remember hearing my own voice saying, "Oh my God, Oh my God. It's a bear."
My mind was shooting out thoughts like a machine gun. Okay full grown, uh was it a female? Does it have a baby with her cause if she does I am screwed? okay I don't see a baby. good. It's cute. okay now it is looking at me. What if it turns and comes this way? How fast can it run?
It was this precise moment that instinct from the cave man days kicked in. I don't remember making any sort of decision, Fight or Flight. But my feet started moving without my knowledge or willpower. The next thing I know I am running while looking over my shoulder fully expecting to see the bear chasing me. Now in the back of my mind I am remembering that you are not supposed to run from a bear, it just gives them reason to chase you. I did not consciously choose to run, it just happened. I ran to the neighbors house and rang the doorbell, no answer, rang it again and again and again.
I could still see the bear. Luckily I seemed to have scared it as it was running in the opposite direction away from me. It was then that I noticed the phone still in my hand. I hollered I gotta go and hung up. My neighbor opened the door. I hollered, "There's a bear!" He ran in to get something.
It was then that the fear ran through me. Serious fear. The bear was running down the street towards my house. Was Savanah outside playing?!?! Were other kids out in the lovely dusk summer air playing?!?! I quickly dialed my home number. My honey answered and I started hollering, "Is Savanah outside? Get her in if she is? Quickly, there is a bear!!!" Then I hung up.
The bear had started to run fast down the middle of the street towards the woods. Ahhh he scampered into the woods. Pictured below.

I saw another neighbor come outside at this point. Her 6 year old daughter had been in the garage when the bear ran by. She had seen it through her window.
My heart was still racing as several neighbors came outside to see what the commotion was all about. Then Savanah comes running out all excited to see the bear. "Sorry sweetie the bear is gone." However cute it was, I hope he/she never comes back.
It took a good hour before I was back to normal. Still now my heart races as I think about. I do think I probably looked foolish and comical running from the bear. Something you might see on America's Funniest Videos.
I would pay a lot of money to see this all unfold and hear what I must have sounded like on the phone and to my neighbors as I frantically rang their doorbell.
I am the crazy nature lady. If it ain't a duck it's a bear.
Jesus, Mary, & Joseph. Reading this story made my butt pucker! (sorry if that is an un "pc" thing to say!) Glad you/everyone is okay!
Although I gotta say - knowing you ARE okay - it was kinda, sorta, humorous! :)
Oh Amy, butt pucker!? You know I am going to have to steal that saying from you cause it is very funny. And it is true! In fact my butt is puckerring right now just thinking about it. eewwee
I like, "If it ain't a duck, it's a bear!"
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