Hey all, long time no blog-ing. Well I hope to become more regular when school starts. Regular in all meanings of the word. I still enjoy blogging but I am taking a swing at writing a book. Can't do both with kids home during summer. So sorry but for now blog posts will be random.
But I couldn't pass this one up. See these pretty plants below. I have planted them two years in a row right in this very spot. People always comment about how beautiful they are. And they are.
Several people have said they are so beautiful that they almost look fake. They are not.

In the past I have loved them. All of the neighborhood kids congregate on this sidewalk near my front door. These are perfect because although they are pretty red flowers they don't attract bees. Perfect. They have no smell. Here is a close up.

Aren't they incredible? So here is the insanity. Look closely at this picture. See the black spot in the middle? That is a fly...... which would be okay. Except at any given time during the day these plants are covered with them. An insane amount of flies. Like 15 per plant. A freakin nightmare for someone with pteronarcophobia. (a fear of flies) I may be developing this phobia. This is freaking me out. Since they are near my front door flies keep getting in my house.

This has never happened before. Why is it happening now? Can someone find the answer? Is there a floriculturist out there?
These plant have 24 hours then I am chopping them down.
All I can say is ewe.
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