Friday, March 26, 2010

GrandKids WTH?

So with spring slowly arriving I have started a major declutter event in my house.

My method works fairly well. Whenever I find things that I don't want anymore (that I don't LOVE) I place those items in our spare bedroom. I go through drawers of kids clothes. The ones that don't fit anymore go into the spare bedroom. Once a week I go in there and price them for a garage sale I am having in summer. Yes I used to take to goodwill and sometimes I still do but hey times are tough. If I can make a little money then I can afford to replace the clothes that don't fit anymore with ones that do. I have done this all winter as well so now I have a closet full of stuff already priced and ready to go.

Any toys they don't want to play with anymore or are too old for I put in there too.

SO my husband drops this bombshell on me!!!! "Shouldn't you save those toys for our grandkids so they will have things to play with at our house when they visit."

So OH NO he's got me thinking. Even though Savanah never liked the game Operation, maybe her kids will. But all organization books and systems say if you haven't used it in a year let it go!!!

Now what the hell do I do. REALLY? REALLY save all these toys?????????

Grandkids????? My head is spinning.

Oh Gees

Undecidedly Yours,


1 comment:

Minda said...

I'm not saving things for MY grandkids, and I have a married 26 year old daughter! NO, don't save them, you probably have 10 years before grandkids are in the picture and if you need a game of Operation at that time, I'll buy you one! So cute that Jeff is thinking Grandkids!