Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Randomly Neurotic

I hate lipstick! I like the way it looks. I hate the smell. I hate the taste. It makes me nauseous. There is only one kind of lipstick I have been able to stand. Even then I have to put Spearmint Blistex on before the lipstick. Well Here is my dilemma. They stopped making that kind. I have tried several other and nope. Yuck Gag me. hmmmmm What to do?

Anyways all is well except now I want to shake some sense into my other child. If it's not one its the other.

I am addicted to Farmville. I now have to limit myself to one hour of play time a day. I figured out why all these people are having trouble leaving farmville. It gives you an immediate sense of gratification. You can plant something and in 4 hours, 6 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours or 24 hours you have an entire crop ready to be harvested for fake coins. Wow. I planted a huge crop of corn and tada there are ears of corn. It also is a control thing for me.

There is very little in life that I actually have total control over. You know know what I mean. You mop the floor. The dog walks in with muddy paws. You put away clean clothes one rainy afternoon after several wardrobe changes. They are all wet and dirty again. You have a plan for the day and whamo sick kids. The toilet bowl is clean and then it is not. Get my cracked windshield fixed after a month bam rock hits the window. new crack! This is my life.


In farmville I control everything! NOBODY can mess up my farmville!! I get to organize it and reap the rewards. When I have finished I have a huge sense of accomplishment (but it is a fake sense of accomplishment since truly I did nothing but sit at the computer and click my mouse).

Versus for instance at home I cleaned the family room today. Dusted, vacuumed, put all the odds and ends away. Now there are two cups on the coffee table, toys strewn about, and socks discarded on the floor. So there you have it.

I gotta go farm!

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