Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St Patrick's Day Eve

Shame on me! Well I don't know if shame is the right word! But heck, I haven't posted in a few days. Not the plan!

The Sneaky Little Leprechaun will be visiting our house tonight. Every St Patrick's Day Eve, The kids (okay well Billy doesn't do it anymore) make a treasure box. Paint and glue beads on it. Draw on it. Along with many small construction paper green clovers. The Leprechaun then visits and leaves treasure in the box. The treasure is not large and may just include a few pieces of candy, some stickers, a green bead necklace. (all things that can be found at the dollar store.) The clovers leave a trail to where the leprechaun has hidden the box.

I love the magic children create. The magic is in their eyes. I remember one year the leprechaun stuck around all day hiding clovers. Billy would run around yelling all day so excited cause he found another clover.

You can't buy these moments. In fact these moments are the treasure.


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