Friday, March 5, 2010


I have woken up this morning with a sad sense of dread, maybe even doom.

I was really looking forward to today. I was planning to pick up Savanah and her BF After school. Her BF usually goes to an after school program cause both parents work. Since her BF's Mom had to go back to work they don't get to spend as much time together. It was all arranged. Savanah was so excited. I was excited for her.

Then.......Savanah let her anger get the best of her. She is now grounded today. BF is not coming over. It's awful. I feel so sad for her. She is crushed. Grounding her was the right thing to do because in her eyes it is the worst punishment I could give to her. Her actions deserved this.

But her anger has gotten completely out of control. Jeff and I are at a loss of what to do. This is the third time she has been grounded this week. My child needs to play outside like she needs blood running through her veins. The outdoors is a huge part of her life.

I have wondered if I did something wrong in parenting. (I don't believe in spanking and never will.) I know I am not always consistent. I am definitely softer on discipline, although I am the one who grounded her this time taking away her special day. Often she has a ungrateful, sassy, bossy angry attitude. She can never be wrong, nothing is ever her fault, she has to have her way. My daughter is kind of being a bully.

Did I create this? Is it to late to change?

I guess if anyone is reading this, these question are rhetorical. Questions I need to ask. and Answer.

A little despondent,


Minda said...

I certainly don't have all the answers, but we went through this for several years with Andrew when he was her age. Over the past 6 months we have seen a change for the better. Stand firm, stick to all the things you know are right,and I believe she will come around. And when she is older, all that strength she uses in anger now will be used for fighting all of life's battles, but with grace!

joy said...

Thanks Minda. Sometimes we all need a little encouragement. That helped. Things are improving. I think she needed to know unequivocally we mean business.