Strong fulfilling relationships with your God, your family, your friends and yourself.
This should be first because if you don't have these then well, nothing else really matters.
Not that everything needs to be put in order in life but I struggle with which one to talk about first between Your God or Yourself. ( I don't mean which is more important, more like which comes first the chicken or the egg.) Actually I think I just figured it out. Perhaps they need to be cultivated simultaneously.
Your relationship (or not) with God or Allah or Adonai or Jesus is your own. I don't want to argue it or change it. But I will say this, having faith in something much bigger than myself has given me peace and happiness. I suggest searching out your faith and strengthening it.
Your relationship with yourself requires you to love yourself. I know that sounds cliche. But..... You should treat yourself as well as you would your best friend. Or your child. Respect. kindness, caring, sympathy and very importantly FORGIVENESS.
A favorite quote I have heard, "Treat others how you would treat yourself. Not better than yourself."
You will make mistakes. That is okay, everybody does. You will be wrong. Accept it, admit it, learn from it. MOVE ON!
Be your own champion. Learn to accept praise from yourself. Pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments. Be proud of yourself. Humbly become your own biggest fan.
I want to make something clear though. This acknowledgement of your worth has to come from honesty. We all know the most annoying of people who think they are God's gift to the universe. We know this about them cause they are constantly telling us how wonderful they are in one way or another. My guess is that 95% percent of these people have debilitating low self esteem. They spend all of their time desperately trying to convince others and themselves that they are not worthless. They are not worthless. God doesn't make worthless.
Define your worth with truth. Remember your many accomplishments and more importantly your failures and how you learned from them. This exercise is meant to be done alone. Or with the help of a best friend. The person who knows you best.
If you first have a good relationship with yourself, the other relationships will follow suit.
All relationships should be based on respect, honesty, kindness, communication, and forgiveness. If you can accomplish this with yourself you can accomplish it with anyone that you care about.
One last word on this. No relationship is PERFECT (oh how I hate that word!). Expecting that would be disastrous.
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