Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 55 Freakin Winter 3-1-2011

Hello March!!! Remember there are a lot of things to look forward to with the arrival of March.

The problem is at this point we all have really had it with winter. We are on the back side of winter. You would think that would mean coasting into spring. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy. These next 45 days are my make or break point. More often I find myself breaking! I generally define spring as when things start to grow, grass, trees, bulbs.

But...I have a plan! Actually the plan is "to plan". There are two completely different planning methods I use. Feel free to use them both. I do. I suggest doing number 1 then finishing up winter with number 2.

Planning Number 1
First comes the realization. Now Minnesotans all know winter lasts about 5 months (sometimes 6). We also know that come the thaw of spring, the heat of summer and the crispness of fall. We are going to be outside CONSTANTLY. Practically living outside.

I moved here in June of 1995. I loved the trees and green grass and all of that. I was amused that on a nice day everyone was outside. Truly everyone. Having lived in sunny southern California I didn't understand. In California you might choose to stay indoors on a beautiful day because hey....tomorrow was going to be another beautiful day. Having not been through a Minnesota winter yet I had NO CLUE! I learned a cruel and quick lesson my first full year here.

When Minnesota gives you a sunny day above 50 degrees you don't waste it!

Where the heck was I? Oh yes Planning number 1.

I want you to think of all the indoor projects that need (or want) to be started or completed. Decluttering the basement. Painting. Sorting photos. Spring cleaning. We all have those projects. The ones started or just in our head. The nasty visual reminder you get every time you.....open a certain closet. Oh the guilt!!! Well stop. Write it down. Then write how, when, what and all the steps to accomplish this task. Then on to the next project.

Now what we are doing here is giving ourselves a deadline. Winter's end. Which I am going to call it....45 days from now! My point here is that once the weather turns you are not going to stay inside to complete these indoor project. Use this time now.

I know what people are thinking, I can see it in your eyes, "That is too early, It still snows past April 14th." Well yes I realize that but....It can snow in spring!! Now that is the date I am picking and if you don't like it well.....too bad.

Winter blogging ends 45 Days from now!!! April 14th. A good day. My brother's birthday.

Now holy crap, you can say to yourself I only have 45 days to finish this. That should keep you just busy enough to keep you from wallowing in winter's pity for the next 45 days. Hell I don't have time to bitch about winter!!!

Planning Project Number 2

This involves planning your outdoor projects. Gardening and Landscaping. Planting. This is fun for me but I can't start this too early then I have way tooooo big of an itch for spring. It becomes a nasty rash further leading to massive spring fever. Which can be quite painful and long. I'll let you all know when I am starting this planning.

So get planning and completing,

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