Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 63 Freakin Winter 3-9-2011

Somebody jokingly compared me to the inspirational Christian speaker and author, Joyce Meyers. I found this so amusing. I don't know much about Joyce Meyer but I think she is successful in helping others.

And I surely can't speak to heavenly matters. I have my beliefs which are personal and personalized to me. But maybe I can speak to earthly matters. Matters I feel passionate about. Helping others, the search for happiness, organization. Surviving winter intact.

Yes maybe I should become the uplifting winter advisor! hmmm I will lift myself and others out of the despair of winter. We will tug, pull, push, pray ourselves into spring. Barely keeping our head above the 76.8 inches of frozen h2o precipitation.

Interesting. Not sure where to go with this but I am sure willingly to let it will take me somewhere.


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