Thursday, October 21, 2010

Guidance Counselors

Have you ever noticed there is a negative stigma around high school guidance counselors? The ones I knew in high school were...... I don't know....dopey, useless, unreasonable, unhelpful, mundane, annoying. I am quite certain my perceptions were more a product of my age, attitude and angst (the three dangerous A's) than truth.

If you think about it, they have a wicked hard job and kudos to the ones who do it well. Imagine having to motivate teenagers to do well academically and provide counsel to the ones struggling through no fault of their own. Then deal with the slackers. The kids with unsatisfactory but not abusive homes. The emotional drama with having discovered the opposite sex alone is too much for their developing minds and reproductive organs! I have to deal with one good but procrastinating, absent minded teenager and it pisses me off to no end. The cavalier way they approach their future.

On the other hand they also have to satisfy demanding parents. Flip that side over again and they are dealing with teachers and principals.

Well I have just had reason to contact my son's guidance counselor. And my original opinion has been completely altered. This counselor was FANTASTIC. She was a great listener. She worked with me. She tried to find solutions and we came up with a plan and a back-up plan. We went over worst case scenarios. She felt concern over my child's well being and happiness. She looked at the big picture through the lens of my eyes and Billy's eyes. Then went as far as looking at prospective college's perceptions.

WOW!!! That is all I gotta say! Sure got my tax payers money's worth with this gal. She deserves a raise!


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