Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Book and A Dream

I had a dream to write a book. A novel. So I wrote it. Dream accomplished? Yes but there was more to the dream. I wanted the book to be good enough to publish. I wanted it to be published.


I finished the basics on the book about a month ago. As my brother suggested I then let it sit for a few weeks before I read it again.

So I just read it's not very good. I am sad. Something is missing. I tried really hard. I worked hard. I poured my heart into it. So instead of saying I think I could write a good book someday but I don't have time. Now I took the time, I did give it my best shot and I wrote a not good book.

I don't have "IT". Unless I have it hidden somewhere? and someone can show me what I have done wrong.

Coming to terms with a dream come true and a dream lost.

Wondering? now what?

1 comment:

Scott said...

Errrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sound of brakes! It's your first book! It's not supposed to be good. It's supposed to sharpen your vision, flex your writing muscles and give you a sense of accomplishment. Next! And then, Next! Don't even think of not writing more. Were you planning all along to write one book and then move onto sculpture? Get writing (and reading). About three books from now, when you are a good writer, take out your first one and re-write it. (I've done that many times!). Your Brother (with three finished novels, none published, two finished screenplays, none sold! And one non-fiction magazine artice published, re-published and anthologized!)