Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 49 Freakin Winter 2-23-2011

Yesterday afternoon I began feeling much despair over the whiteness of my world. And no that is not a socially motivated statement. It is not Caucasian-ness I speak of. It is SNOW!!! Suddenly I felt incredibly down. Just exhausted and uninterested.

So I hung an expression I have been holding on to from Uppercase Living. Here is a picture.

I love it. It is so appropriate for me. And I think it is in a perfect place. Directly above my laundry room door. (always doing laundry for my blessings!) Near the garage door. (where I go in and out to chauffeur my blessings.) Basically in my kitchen (where I clean up after my blessings the most.)

It was a difficult place to put this because the door here is not centered. So I either had to center the saying with the wall or the door. I chose the wall. It looks a little off balance and cattywompus (one of my favorite words). But then again my blessings are slightly off balance too's the perfect placement! I wouldn't have it or them any other way.

I think what I need is more change. Dramatic colorful change!

Today I am off to change things up some more. I am heading to home depot. Getting more paint cards. Trying to decide on a color for Savanah's room. I have also rearranged Savanah's room three different ways over the last two weeks. I think we may be on to something with this last configuration.

Then we will be looking for a desk for her room. What an adventure?!

Brightening up my world one wall at a time.


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