Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 27 Freakin Winter 2-1-2011

A little change in the blog post format. The forecast portion will no longer be here. I realised retelling the forecast and temperature everyday was well depressing. It was causing me to dwell on winter. It made me sad! And doesn't that completely defeat the entire purpose of this project. So unless something wicked cool or interesting or unusual with the weather is happening I am not going to retell the mundane-ness of winter. You don't need to hear it from me. You already know it!

Now on to our regularly scheduled blog post!

Oh February 1st how I love thee. Why do I love thee? What do you mean to me? Celebration for January is over!! Statistically speaking the coldest month of the year has passed.

I dug my nails in the side of the frozen pit in the depths of hell and climbed out of January.

Now I find myself in the 2nd coldest month of the year. But alas ......by the end of this month the average high is.......drumroll please........ 32 degrees. Oh that sounds lovely. That sounds like water dripping off of my roof! That sounds like the melting of my frozen heart.

February also holds Valentines Day. I don't buy into that holiday completely. I mean it does seem kind of hallmark-ish. My valentine and I exchange cards but not gifts. We eat dinner together as a family. The part I enjoy is the elementary party!

Savanah really enjoys the preparing of Valentine's. In fact hers are already done. She spreads the stuff all over the room. Sets up different stations. One is for writing the names. Then you move on to the folding station. Then the attaching a piece of candy station. Then the closing with a heart sticker station. She loves it. It satisfies her need for organization and accomplishment. So cute! Reminds me of someone? who could it be? hmmm?

Oh Yeah!!! Me

But honestly I Love and am looking forward to Groundhog day!!!! It's the best. It fills me with hope. Although spring is not six weeks away (at least not here in MN) Spring is coming and with every day it is closer! Every wretched snowy below freezing day brings me closer to spring.

So Tomorrow, tomorrow I love you tomorrow. You're only a day away. Tomorrow Tomorrow I love you tomorrow for tomorrow is Groundhog Day!!!!!


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