Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Random Stuff

I'm feeling random.

Mother-in-law Update
A couple of updates. My mother-in-law has had some bumps in the road of chemotherapy. Some side effects. Recently her white blood count dropped which decreases your ability to fight infection. Shortly after that she got a high fever. Luckily an antibiotic has helped. Yay, no more fever. She is very fatigued still and really has no appetite. So I have a prayer request. To help her and her husband get through this one day at a time. To fill their hearts with comfort and peace.

Garage Sale
I have said it over and over. I will say it again. I am never, after this one, having a garage sale again. Oh yeah. I am having a garage sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I had one last year. The cool part was I have been pricing stuff since then. But I forget about lugging it all to the garage and setting it all up and then sitting outside for 3 whole days.

Last year I used the money to buy school clothes for the kids which was really nice. We will see. Money can be quite a motivator.


I have started writing a book. I have about three chapters roughly done. I know the characters. I kind of know the timeline. I'm struggling a little with the process. Write an outline, write chapters, just write it all and figure out the chapter breaks later and so on. But I do like it. I may post pieces of it just to get some feedback. We'll see.

While writing my blog posts may be a little sporadic. So please keep checking in. I'll try to post at least every other day.

Random Questions

I wrote this the other day. It's weird and interesting to me. I was sitting in the car contemplating life while waiting for Zoo camp to be over.

So many answers!
What's the question?

The secret to happiness
Connections to people
Living in the moment
Accepting imperfection

Maybe the secret is to;
Keep asking?
Keep searching?
Keep analyzing?

But is that too hard? Should happiness be easier?
The End

What does that mean?

Okay I gotta get busy.
Enjoy your day,

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