Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bloom Where You Are Planted

I planted this year. If you remember this post. I was so proud that my honey and I built a box. a raised garden box. http://joytobelieve.blogspot.com/2010/04/my-box.html

Now I am so proud because I actually have something growing in it. See my pictures!

On the top left side are chives, mmmm yum yum In the middle is Marigold. I had heard deer don't like Marigold. (Wonder if bears do?) On the bottom left side is Lemon Balm a type of mint but it is not minty. When you squish the leaves it has a wonderful lemony aroma. The leaves have been used to calm Alzheimer patients. It is full of antioxidants. Has been used to help sleep. And to aid in nausea. I have been crushing up the leaves in my green tea every day. Very yummy!

Now you may notice the whole right side of the box is empty!! Oh no, My cucumbers died. aw too sad. I did learn some valuable lessons in my first year planting edibles. Planter boxes need more dirt. Every few days I have to go pull grass that has grown from below. I thought I put enough dirt but then it settled and apparently was not enough.

Also on my deck I planted North Star Red Peppers. I love red peppers but holy cow are they expensive. So I bought four plants. They like the soil a little drier like tomatoes so I put them on my deck so the sprinklers won't get them. They have all flourished. Best of all I HAVE PEPPERS growing. I am so very excited. From the looks of it I will have lots of peppers. Wherever a flower grows a pepper emerges. Lots of buds.

So yay for me!!!! I have always wanted to grow something I can eat!

I see more boxes in my future for next year. Get out the tools Baby!


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