Tuesday, December 18, 2007

perfectionism and last year's Christmas tree

I was recently reading something Flylady wrote about perfectionism. (yes I am a flybaby, don't know what it is? check out Flylady. com) I suffer from this most unfortunate affliction, perfectionism that is. If nothing else, Flylady has helped me curb this monstrous beast. I was recently stressing out thinking about the task of picking out the PERFECT Christmas tree. Then I remembered last year!

Every year I have walked and walked around the Christmas tree lots looking at different trees. My family saying, "How bout this one?" over and over. I was always the final decision maker. I tortured my family in the cold looking for the perfect tree. Then when I finally picked one I would become quiet on the way home. Wondering if I picked the wrong tree. What if there was a bare spot I had missed on my inspection? Oh the stress! Then as we decorated the tree I would supervise the hanging of the ornaments, often moving them after my children hung them.

Then last year something changed, perhaps the fly washing I have received.

As I started stressing and walking around the tree lot in the brutal cold, I let go. I just looked at my husband and said, "that one" as I pointed. My husband thought I had gone off my rocker. I picked a tree that was still wrapped in netting. I couldn't see all the branches or see if there was a bare spot. You see it didn't matter.

When we got home I let everyone decorate the tree. I had one moment of relapse when my son hung five balls all bunched together on one branch. I was thinking of moving them but I held my breath and waited. Thinking I would move them after the kids went to bed that night. My son then with excitement in his voice explained that the balls were our family. One ball for each family member including the dog. That the balls had to be together because we are happy together.

Well needless to say that was the most beautiful tree I had ever seen. Every time I looked at the tree and the clump of balls hanging there I smiled and my heart melted with joy.

Cheers to being imperfect. Life would be so boring if it were perfect.


Minda said...

The way you speak the truth is so clear it makes life seem easy again. Thanks for sharing about the tree, very moving!

Scott said...

Oh yeah...out of the minds of...12 year-olds! Cool kid you got there!