Wednesday, December 19, 2007

On your mark, get set, GO!!!

Okey dokey,

By 11:00 a.m. I had gone to six different destinations! six, yep count em. Now I am exhausted. I still have much to do. Where did it all go wrong this year? Feeling pretty frazzled!
I am just beginning to address my Christmas cards which I just picked up today!

I need to just stop and breath! What I really need to do is stop using exclamation points. It's getting me more anxious! oops I meant "."

That may be my New Year's resolution. Let's see....... oh yeah my standard on-going resolution! Be more organized! How unoriginal! I'll have to think on it to come up with something better.
(more exclamation points...sorry I can't seem to stop)

Billy leaves to tomorrow to go to Connecticut. Christmas is not quite the same the years (every other) he is gone.

ahhhhhh breath in for the count of one, two, three, four , five. breath, two, three, four, five. breath in Oh Hell It's not working I'm still hyperventilating.

I know...I'll go clean something!
Keep on keeping on,

1 comment:

Minda said...

hehe! Does it make you feel any better that I haven't even started? I have two gifs under the tree for Andrew...and nothing else. EEK!!!!