Wednesday, April 6, 2011

9 Days to go - Freakin Winter 4-6-2011

9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9

9 Days!!!

This will be really random.
I feel a spring cleaning jag approaching. I feel the need to sweep the porch. Clean off the deck.

I looked at my garden yesterday......MY CHIVES are growing. They are popping up out of the ground. Amazing. beautiful. Green. My beloved green is slowly making a come back. The return of green fills my heart with joy.

I foresee another walk in my future. My vow - My body will be bathing suit ready by June!

I do have a big dark cloud of worry perched upon my shoulder. Nothing I can really speak about. I am hoping by not acknowledging it that this problem will not completely materialize. At this point there is just a hint of this potential hazard. This is like a mental chess game with much at stake. I cannot misstep and make a wrong move. I know for certain I have to tread lightly here and DO NOT panic. I feel like I am in a pressure cooker. The next 3 days are critical to the outcome and within that time I will know exactly what we are dealing with here.

I'm praying in earnest about it. Praying for patience, wisdom and swift resolution.


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