Thursday, January 6, 2011

To Resolute or Not Resolute

To resolute or not resolute.

Making New Years Resolutions. hmmmmm I really waiver on this. Some years I have made a resolution to not make resolutions.

Other years I make resolutions but they are so vague there is no way to track them.. i.e. "Be a better person." It is very subjective. If you can't track it there is no guilt. That is both bad and good. Guilt can be quite the motivator.

I also tend to make resolution that are unattainable. Asking too much of myself then failing miserably.

I have read articles about making goals. Several have mentioned S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely

Last March I made a promise to myself to make healthier choices. Instead of making a temporary change in my behavior I went for a change in lifestyle. Including exercise and healthy eating habits.

So once I had this general promise (goal or resolution) I had to break down how to achieve this.

I decided to exercise 3 days a week.

I also decided to eat a normal portion breakfast, either oatmeal, or cereal.

Then eat a small portion lunch.

With small healthy snacks in between.

At about 3:00 pm I gave myself a break in my day to meditate and drink green tea.

Drank a glass of port before dinner.

Eat a normal size dinner but NEVER go back for seconds.

Sorry for those who love desserts. I am very lucky that way. Sweets just don't sound good to me.

I was very pleased with the results. It was manageable most days. In fact I started exercising 4 days a week. I had more energy, less depression, less pain, more strength. I was proud of myself. I am still proud of myself. A sense of pride is also a great motivator.

Although my exercise has decreased dramatically with the winter weather, not conducive to walking (my favorite exercise), my diet habits have not wavered much. Even with the holidays I was able to keep off 13 of the 15 pounds I lost.

So back to my original question. Should I make a resolution or not? I think I will but not in the traditional way. First, my resolution obviously isn't starting on January 1. That is too much pressure. In fact I think I will start my resolution on some random Wednesday in January.

I will consider my resolution to be a promise to myself and a change in my life. I'll be flexible, if it isn't working it needs to be tweaked. It shouldn't be miserable.

Now I just have to think of what it should be?


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