Thursday, June 17, 2010

Now Hold On, Wait Just a Second Here

At the top header and description of my blog it says, "My husband loves to cook which is great, as I have little, if any, patience. "Continue to stir while simmering" just doesn't work for me. I say bring that pot to a full rolling boil."

Well this post is about my insane lack of patience for anything even slightly related to cooking. I got NONE.

My husband often laughs at me. He knows me well. If I put something, anything in the microwave I always stop it before the beep. My husband cracks up when he goes to use the microwave and it says, " 0:01" Like I couldn't just wait that one second before I grabbed my heated up coffee. It is true I could not wait.

When cooking up a frozen pizza, if it says cook 14 - 16 minutes, I will always choose 14 minutes! And even then I will probably take the pizza out after 13 minutes and 50 seconds.

Maybe this is why I like baking cookie cutter cookies. I can't sit and watch them bake. I am needing and rolling and cutting the shapes quickly just to get the next batch ready to throw in the oven. There is no time to be impatient. The cookies only take 7-8 minutes to bake. For sure this translates to me as "7 minutes".

Now I can chop up veggies with gusto. In fact I enjoy this activity but again it keeps me moving. It's the waiting I can't stand.

You would think I am super efficient keeping my home in order. Well not exactly, I do spend quite a bit of time just spinning my wheels. I am quite certain I have ADD. But hey that is another post all together.

Aren't you glad you don't live with me?

1 comment:

Minda said...

I don't know if you realize it, but you and I are SOOOOOO much alike. Seriously this whole post could be cut and pasted over to my own blog and no one would know the difference!