Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Favorite Sign

Ah My favorite sign in the whole world.

On my way home I pass a stop sign. Not my favorite. Well I don't pass it... I stop first, give the appropriate right of ways and then I move forward.

The next beautiful sign I see is this sign. The actual beauty of this sign is that if you continue on this road you will not see another speed limit sign for 1.6 miles. That is the joy of living in a smallish town.

Seeing this sign is like being released from all restrictions. The burden of rules being lifted from your shoulders. Lawlessness like the old west. Or the reckless abandon of nature before man. Go... Fly...Be free...Zoom. This is how I feel when I see this sign. I sense the other drivers near me feel this too. Because suddenly all the cars I see almost lurch forward in excitement to gain access to this freedom. As a mischievous smile spreads across the driver's face. Oh what a euphoric feeling.

Unfortunately for me the turn off toward my home is .3 miles past this beloved sign. So every time I come home I am allotted exactly 20 seconds of freedom per day. I know this because I timed it.

Occasionally however, I take on my devil-may-care attitude and blow right past my turn off. Goodness just unruly. I roll down my window, turn Journey on real loud and become a rebellious Mama.



1 comment:

Minda said...

you are a delight.